General Information


Total honorific words= 355

Type low form honorific =30 humble form = 33 plain form= 228 high form =41 address words refering to higher status =22 praying = 1

Total Quotes:278

This graph shows how many honorifics are used in each story, as well as how many of each type is used (designated by colors - see key to right of graph). It serves the dual purpose of being able to see how many honorifics are used along with being able to compare which kinds are used the most frequently/infrequently within each story.

20 40 60 80 100 The whirligig of life 30 Mammon and the Archer 109 The gift of Magi 56 A Lickpenny Lover 92 The Last Leaf 52 The Cop and the Anthem 16 numbers of honorific words humble plain high higherstatus praying low




formal word= 47 informal word=84

Total Quotes:281

This graph shows how many informal and formal words are used in each story. It also shows the comparison between informal and formal through the use of stacked bars.

20 40 60 80 100 The whirligig of life 16 Mammon and the Archer 14 The gift of Magi 10 A Lickpenny Lover 61 The Last Leaf 20 The Cop and the Anthem 10 numbers of honorific words formal informal